ADHD: No Longer Considered Just a Children's Condition

Aug 02, 2023
ADHD: No Longer Considered Just a Children's Condition
Did you know attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects adults as well as children and can manifest in ways that can be truly debilitating in your day-to-day life? But there are ways to start to feel more like yourself again.

Many people mistakenly believe ADHD to be a condition that only affects — or is only diagnosed in — children. But this is untrue. 

In 2020, the global percentage of individuals with persistent adult ADHD and symptomatic adult ADHD were 2.58% and 6.76%, respectively.

At Black Onyx, an integrated psychiatry practice, we understand how this condition can be debilitating in a fast-paced world. But what can you do about adult ADHD? 

Fortunately, there are many ways we can treat this condition, from medication to therapy to lifestyle changes. 

Our offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange, and South San Francisco, California, offer a number of options for ADHD treatment. With our providers — Peter Pham, PMHNP-BC, and Diana Bush, PMHNP-BC, — you’ll be able to begin a treatment plan that works.

How ADHD is misunderstood

When you think of ADHD, you might think of a young boy, about 9 or 10, fidgeting in his seat or calling out without raising his hand in class. For a long time, this was the only type of picture we had of the condition. 

But ADHD is so much more nuanced. Certain aspects — such as gender or socioeconomic status — can affect your condition, and it can go undiagnosed based on these aspects as well. 

Some people don’t realize they have ADHD until they are adults, while others feel ashamed for not leaving the condition behind after moving into adulthood. 

In addition, we hear lots of myths about this condition: that it’s a fake problem used to sell more medication or that children with it are overmedicated. These myths often do more harm than good because they dissuade people from seeking help. 

How ADHD manifests in adults 

While you may picture an unfocused or hyperactive child when you think of ADHD, the condition can present very differently in adults. Once you know what ADHD looks like, you may be able to see it in yourself. 

There are three types of ADHD: 

  • Inattentive
  • Impulsive
  • Combination

The last of these is when both the inattentive qualities and the impulsive qualities affect a person. 

Inattentive ADHD may look like someone who’s constantly losing important things or missing deadlines, while someone with impulsive ADHD may interrupt others or become restless easily. 

It’s not unusual for ADHD to affect your self-esteem, too. Consider the symptoms of adult ADHD and get tested for the condition. This way, you’ll be able to recognize that your symptoms aren’t signs that you are lazy or bad, but just struggling to cope with your condition.

Treating ADHD in adults 

We treat adults with ADHD differently than we do children, although some of the methods are similar. For one, therapy can be a very useful tool for implementing coping strategies and identifying triggers that bring on severe symptoms. 

In addition, medications can be very helpful for those having a hard time getting things done or staying calm. ADHD is usually treated with stimulant medications, but this isn’t the only option if stimulants don’t work for you. 

It’s best to talk with our experts about the most suitable options for your situation. 

Finally, there are certain changes you can make in your daily life to minimize your symptoms. These include:

  • Introducing more fruits, vegetables, and protein into your diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Getting plenty of sleep

You can see a difference 

If ADHD is running your life, there are ways to curtail its influence. Call us today to make an appointment or schedule one online. We also offer telehealth visits.